Well Worthy features over 1,000 bags at wholesale, volume-discounted prices that can be imprinted with your logo, photo or other custom message as well as left blank. Click on a bag below to see the full online collection and get an idea of your interests and needs. Then contact us for a quote or to request a custom e-Catalog with items matching your specifications. Remember we print to order on more items than we can possibly list here, so contact us if you don't see what you're looking for.
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Most e-catalogs feature bags in price order (lowest to higher) with the exception of clearance, specials and new items that may be featured first. Most bags come in different color options beyond what's shown, so be sure to check the available colors listed for a bag. When a bag is shown with a single color only, just contact us for options.
PRICING: Prices can vary based on the weight, color, bag size, strap type any many other features. For cotton canvas, the bag weight can range from 5 oz for an economy bag to upward of 20 oz for premium bags. The heavier the bag the more durable and tear-resistant it is. Same goes for nonwoven (a.k.a. polypropylene) bags which normally range from 80 to 120 gsm. Remember: you get what you pay for.