Give your constituents a flu prevention message from a source they trust. Put your organization or company' logo on a budget-friendly H1N1, cold or flu prevention message.
Uses: schools, campuses, places of worship, hospitals, community centers, funeral homes and other community institutions.
Check out how First Lady Michelle Obama uses a celebrity cooking contest as part of her LET'S MOVE campaign. Take a page out of her book and promote your health campaign in a fun and accessible way for children. Well Worthy has thousands of logo imprintable health promotions that are budget-friendly and age-appropriate.
We have thousands of items.
Don't see it? Just ask for it.
Well Worthy Concepts has promotional product solutions for awareness campaigns, community inreach initiatives, walk-a-thons and more. Whether you're promoting the connection between health and place--where we live...the air we breathe... the food we can choose--or healthy choices, Well Worthy has logo imprintable promotions to help you spread your message, incentivize behavioral change and recognize stakeholders and partners who are part of the solution.
Of course, health is about more than personal choices. It's about access and environments. So in addition to promoting behavioral change, take a moment to create and advocate for healthier spaces of living, learning and working wherever you are. We and our communities are well worthy.
Culinary herbs in logo imprintable pots
Greener Promotions
First Aid Kits
Awareness Wristbands
with these food grade stainless steel beverage bottles. Largeimprint space for your message.
Health Promotions
from $0.49!
Childhood Obesity Slideguide
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Conference Signage
Wellness Gifts
Well Worthy can print custom designs to make sure your awareness campaign is compelling and culturally competent.